

日本の物価高について(The High Cost of Living in Japan)


最近、章題のような方をよく見るようになった。 「あれ?4000円くらいのつもりが5000円?」という事、心当たりがある人もいるはず。 上の例だと25%も支出が上がっていることになる。 消費税の問題もあるので税抜で計算すれば3,636円が4,545円なので900円くらいの値上げ(両方とも割り切れない)。 そんなに上がっているのか気になり調査してみた。




主だった値上げ幅の品目を上げていこう魚介類の値上がりが著しいのがお分かりいただけるだろう。 肉類は全体的に健闘している。

野菜 105%

ブロッコリー:140% 大根:149% ほうれん草:143% キャベツ:73.4%

魚介類 117%

あさり:140% さんま:139% いくら:128% しらす:98%

肉類 105%

牛肉(輸入):117% 牛肉(国産):103%

ただしどの分野も物価高に抗う品目があることを忘れてはいけない。 上では触れなかったが、乳製品は全体的に原料乳が生産過剰の為、物価高の影響を受けていない。 我が家はチーズを良く食事に使うが、安いと感じている。


もちろん、仕事がなくなり窮している方は別であり、適切なセーフティーネットを遠慮なく受けるべきであるが、 定職があり暮らしている人は、財布の紐をほんの少し絞めるだけで物価高はクリアできる。 5%なのだから、3000円買い物したら150円。ポテトチップスを1袋控えるだけである。ダイエットにも好影響だろう。 おじ様ならビールだろう。生ビールなんて贅沢なこと言わず、第3のビールに切り替えれば良いだけ。


Staring at the receipt in front of the soccer table

Recently, I've been seeing a lot of people like the one in the chapter title. "Hey, I thought it was about 4,000 yen, but it was 5,000 yen?" I am sure some of you must have an idea of what I mean. In the above example, the expenditure has gone up by 25%.

I did some research to see if this is true.

5% increase compared to January 2020

The Consumer Price Index, published monthly by Japan's Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, has increased by 5% in two years.


Let's take a look at the main items that have seen price hikes, as you can see seafood prices have risen significantly. Meat products are doing well overall.

Vegetables: 105%.

Broccoli: 140%. Radishes: 149%. Spinach: 143%. Cabbage: 73.4%*.

Seafood: 117% **Seafood

Asari clam: 140% Seafood Pacific saury: 139% Salmon roe: 128% Salmon roe: 128 Salmon roe: 128% Salmon roe: 128 Shirasu salmon: 98%**.

Meat: 105

Beef (imported): 117% Beef (domestic): 103 Beef (domestic): 103%***.

However, it should not be forgotten that in every sector there are items that defy price increases. Although not mentioned above, dairy products are not affected by high prices due to an overall overproduction of raw milk. My family often uses cheese in our meals and finds it inexpensive.

Conclusion: You should realize that your purse strings are loosening.

Of course, there are those who are out of work and in dire straits, and should not hesitate to take advantage of the appropriate safety net. However, those who have a regular job and are living well can clear the high prices by simply tightening their purse strings a little bit. Since the rate is 5%, a ¥3,000 purchase costs ¥150. All they have to do is to cut back a bag of potato chips. It will also have a positive effect on your diet. If you are an old man, you probably want a beer. Don't be extravagant with draft beer, just switch to third-category beer.

One thing to keep in mind is that cooking oil has risen by 150%, so your favorite fried food will inevitably be more expensive.